A famous psychologist once said,"Failure is the rich stuff that success can grow in".I suppose that this psychologist couldn't have been sleeping when he made this assertion.This notable psychologist also observed the fact that many people are ill-informed as to the meaning of failure itself.Then,what is failure?Failure simply means that one has to try harder especially in a more intelligent way.It also means that one is not perfect,so one has a reason to start over.If this is not your idea of failure,you will probably need to reorganize your thought process.
In the "Leadership Magazine",by J.Wallace Hamilton.He said,"The increase of suicides,alcoholics,and even some forms of nervous breakdowns,is the evidence that many people are training for success without ever being trained to handle failure.Yet failure is far more common than success,poverty is far more prevalent than wealth,and disappointment far more normal than arrival".This makes us realize that both success and failure are states of mind.Therefore,one should learn to handle failure by making it a stepping stone.It is only when you can look failure in the eyes,experience it and move beyond it,that you can succeed.
In the "Psychology of Achievement",by Brian Tracy.He studied four millionaires who made their fortunes by the age of 35.What is common to all of them is that they tried an average of seventeen different things before they found the one that made them successful.
The problem with most people is that they are too quick to judge things as failures when they are just learning experiences.Knowing what doesn't work will move you a step closer to knowing what works.No doubt Herbert Brocknow has this great saying,"The fellow who never makes mistakes takes his orders from the one who does".
The great inventor and scientist,Thomas Edison,was once asked by a reporter how he felt about failing a thousand times.He replied,"I didn't fail a thousand times.The electric light bulb was just a thousand step process".What an answer!